Nursery 2024 - 2025
Mrs Dawson
Mrs Miller
The teachers in the nursery are called Mrs. Dawson and Mrs. Miller. Mrs. Dawson teaches on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Mrs. Miller teaches on a Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. Miss Noble is the Teaching assistant in Nursery.
We are a small, very friendly 26-place nursery. We offer both 15 hour and 30 hour Nursery places.
Our statutory 15-hour provision runs from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon every day.
Our 30 hour provision runs until 3.00pm every day.
Top-up Nursery hours (from 12pm - 3.00pm) are available to parents who do not qualify for the 30 hour provision. These are available on a regular basis or on a one-off basis at the cost of £13 per afternoon. Payment must be made either weekly or monthly in arrears.
Parents can choose to apply for a place in our Reception class during the year, though we cannot guarantee that a place in nursery will result in a place in main school.
We hope your child’s time with us will be as happy and fulfilling as possible. Your child’s education is a three way partnership between child, parent and school. You are the biggest influence in your child’s life and nobody knows your child better than you. By working together as a team we can help your child through this important and exciting journey.
In Nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, learning through play. We have lots of lovely resources in our classroom and outdoor area so we are always busy playing and learning together. The children enhance their learning skills in the following areas:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Literacy
- Mathematical development
- Understanding of the world
- Expressive arts and design
Throughout their time with us, your child will continue to develop a strong social awareness and be confident in co-operating and developing good relationships with adults and children. We offer children enriched learning opportunities, inside and outside the curriculum.