‘Grow, Learn, Achieve Together’

Pupil Premium

We aim to ensure that every child leaves Livingstone excited about learning and determined to succeed. We want to equip them with good Literacy and Numeracy skills, as well as self-confidence and resilience. The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium funding will support us in achieving these aims.

Effective teaching and learning must meet the needs of all pupils in our school.  We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups. This specifically includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are addressed.

We use the Pupil Premium Funding to support children who are in receipt of the grant to enable them to reach their potential both academically and in a wider sense.  


Pupil Premium Expenditure  2023-24

The PP grant received is £59,880.

The Covid revovery and tutoring grants add up to £9,280.

The total amount allocated to be spent on closing the gap and educational recovery is £69,160.


  • To improve the standard of teaching and learning across the school so that all children, including those who qualify for PP, benefit from teaching of a high standard and this supports pupil progress. 
  • To support the development of speech and language to improve communication.
  • To support mental health and emotional wellbeing of pupils and ensure they are ready to learn.
  • To improve attendance, punctuality and readiness to learn for all pupils.
  • To support educational recovery from the pandemic for all pupils including those that qualify for PP.
  • To support enrichment through visitors, visits and access to musical and cultural opportunities.
  • To ensure that all children leave Livingstone with the skills needed to help them in the next phase of their education.
  • To develop the curriculum further to ensure that all children, including those who qualify for PP, benefit from a well rounded and exciting curriculum. 

Summary of actions taken and planned:

  • Curriculum development and training for leaders of foundation subjects in order to develop subject expertise to feed into developing teaching and learning across the school.
  • Training for teachers to ensure quality first teaching.
  • Introduction of a sytematic Phonuics scheme 'Monster Phonics'
  • Resources to support the high quality teaching of Maths.
  • Subject leader release time to enhance the development of the curriculum. 
  • Assessment software and end of year tests to identify gaps and support quality first teaching.
  • Learning Mentor to provide support for families and pupils.  This will include: supporting improved attendance and punctuality; supporting families when they need extra help; the development of children's social skills; support for schildren's emotional and mental wellbeing
  • Attendance officer for the Mossley and Carrbrook Schools' Partnership to support attendance and punctuality.
  • Small group tutoring 
  • Speech and language specialist teacher to support early speech and language development and oracy.
  • Networks for EYFS, English and Mathematics to improve practice across the school. 
  • Intervention groups to support closing the gap and educational revovery.
  • Widen the opportunities available to disadvantaged children through educational visits and instrumental tuition.
  • Extra nursery sessions for EYFS children.  

We will monitor the impact of this strategy through regular data analysis of children reaching age related expectations and the progress they are making.  We will analyse end of Key Stage SATs results to compare the performance of less advantaged pupils to other pupils.  We will internally review our pupil premium strategy at the start of each financial year and publish our Pupil Premium Impact report each September to reflect the impact of the use of the Pupil Premium over the previous academic year.   

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Livingstone Primary School

Valeside, Old Brow, Mossley OL5 0AP

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