‘Grow, Learn, Achieve Together’

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education

Livingstone Primary School see PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education) as a vital subject necessary to support our pupils on their path through school and beyond. As well as regular lessons on the subject, PSHCE is also supported through assemblies, classroom and school wide expectations of behaviour and rewards to aim for.

Positive behaviour is rewarded around the school with smilies for good behaviour and good work; rainbow learner awards for showing the rainbow learner attributes (Resilience, Attitude, Independence, Never giving up, Best work, Organisation and Well Mannered); and the star of the week award for the child in each class who has shown all of these skills throughout the week.

Whole School assemblies take place regularly, across the week. Some assemblies focus on understanding our rainbow learner attributes and how we can use these to support our learning and behaviour around the school and then apply these in our wider lives. Some assemblies focus on key festivals and events in the community and the wider world helping the children to understand the people and the world around them. Some assemblies also support the children in understanding British Values such as democracy and the rule of law, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

Livingstone School Council supports the children in understanding the British value of democracy. Children are encouraged to reflect on their skills and apply for a post as a class councillor. These children must present their skills and ideas to the class who are able to vote for the person they think will make the most able councillor. Class councillors then attend fortnightly meetings and report back to their class each week.  Year 6 class councillors are members of the Mossley and Carrbrook Schools’ Partnership council.  They meet once a half term to discuss issues such as improving transition and plan and lead events to enhance the community such as litter pick events and raise money for local charities.

PSHCE in the classroom takes place once a week as a timetabled lesson although teachers will sometimes address issues that arise around school or in the wider world as an extra PSHE lesson to support children in understanding the world around them. There are 3 main themes in PSHCE which run from EYFS to Year 6: Relationships; Health and Wellbeing and Living in the Wider World. Each half term, there is a broad PSHCE question such as What is Bullying? Or How can we look after each other and the world? During these lessons, children also learn about British Values and will follow a Tameside scheme on RSE (relationships and sex education) which at a Primary level focuses on recognising healthy relationships and body changes through puberty. Parents will always be advised when the children are learning about these more sensitive subjects in PSHCE.

PSHCE lessons take part in a setting the children are familiar with and are taught either by the class teacher or a teaching assistant who knows the class well. Children are able to ask and answer questions and reflect on their understanding of the subject. Children might use role play to explore different scenarios or write down ideas about how to deal with different situations. 

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Livingstone Primary School

Valeside, Old Brow, Mossley OL5 0AP

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