Mossley and Carrbrook Schools' Partnership
The partnership between Mossley Hollins High School, Milton St John's, Micklehurst All Saints, St George’s, St Joseph's and Livingstone Primary Schools was established in January 2012 and is presently flourishing.
The aim of the partnership was to join up educational thinking and working across the primary and secondary sectors to make learning, progress and attainment from 3-16 as seamless as possible within the communities, for both families and schools.
The schools in the partnership and representatives from their governing bodies collaborate on:
- Achievement
- Teaching & Learning
- Behaviour & Safety
- Attendance & Punctuality
- Curriculum and Assessment
- Enrichment
- Extra Curricular Provision
- Leadership and Management
The MCSP allows our pupils to:
- Participate in inter-school sports competitions
- Participate in inter-school times tables and debate competitions
- Have a broader curriculum and wider experiences such as a themed Spanish day, higher order thinking maths lessons, technology days and science sessions in laboratories.
- Learn to play a brass instrument
- Have MFL teaching from a subject specialist from Y3-6
- Enjoy weekly PE lessons taught by a skilled coach
- Widen the experiences as part of the curriculum eg Debating Society, Student Leadership council
The MCSP allows our staff to:
- Work together to agree assessments
- Share ideas for a better transition between primary and secondary
- Share good ideas and teaching strategies and develop classroom practice as a result
- Share ideas for further school improvement
- Access joint training and development opportunities
- Have a joint approach to attendance and punctuality
The focus of the current partnership development plan is to work together to develop our curriculums by focusing on the things we can best do together.